Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Goodbye City Life

Our relocation guide insisted that Arth was not rural, but we knew better. Cows are rural. Any place where a certain smell, we'll call it "earthy," permeates the air on most days is rural. Even if your apartment is a big orange box with all the modern comforts. And that's all there is to it.

Shortly after moving into our temporary housing in Arth, Switzerland, I scribbled down a list of pros and cons for staying put. Since I am easily distracted, the list was pretty short.

Nice big apartment
Maggie loves it!
We're already here

Far from everything
Long commute for Ed

Not a very convincing argument for staying. But somewhere along the line, we fell into very strong like with our little town, and decided to make our home here for the year. I'm not sure if it was the elevator that goes directly into our apartment or the real live My Little Ponies we discovered while walking Maggie that cinched the decision for us, but here we are!

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